​Other workouts to do on your yoga mat

​Other workouts to do on your yoga mat

Mar 15th 2024

Yoga mats are not just for yoga. They can be helpful during all types of workouts. Yoga mats have the perfect grip and cushion for stretching, cardio, and everything in between. If you are looking to spice up your workout routine, there are many options of workouts and types of ways to use your mat. Here are just a few other ways to incorporate your mat into other exercises.


High Intensity Interval Training is a form of cardio where you do a series of workouts in intervals, taking small 10 second to minute long breaks in between each set. It is a good way to get your heart rate up and burn a lot of calories in a quick workout. These types of workouts may consist of many different movements including core, lower body, and upper body exercises. Yoga mats can be useful because they provide cushion during floor exercises, but also have grip for quick movements such as mountain climbers or burpees. Yoga mats are cushioned enough to support you and thin enough to enable movement throughout the body, making them perfect for these types of workouts.

Core workouts:

Mats and cushions are necessary for core workouts to prevent bruises on your spine, elbows, and knees. Instead of using a small core cushion or fighting over the rubber part of the floor at the gym, bring your yoga mat to lay out for core workouts anywhere. Whether its at the end of your run or in between focused workouts, it is important to work your core, and our mats are here to help you stay safe and comfortable while you do so.

Stretching after lifting:

In order to prevent injury, everyone should stretch before and after they lift weights. In order for our muscles to grow, they need to be lengthened through stretching as well as built through weightlifting. Having a yoga mat allows you to include a thorough stretch into your workout. It is portable and perfect to lay out for stretching your legs, back, and arms. Bringing your yoga mat with you when you lift can help remind you to stretch before you overwork your cold muscles.

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Pilates is similar to yoga, but it tends to be a quicker pace workout that is more focused on the body than on the mind. Pilates engages all the muscles in the body and includes both stretching and cardio exercises. Just like yoga, Pilates is done on a mat with grip and cushion. However, you do not need a mat made specifically for Pilates to do these types of workouts. Yoga mats give you everything that you need to do Pilates in the studio or at home. If you are looking to try out a different type of exercise on your mat, Pilates is the perfect way to transition into something new.

Barre workouts:

Barre workouts are a type of workout that comes from ballet dance. These workouts usually combine ballet stretches and positions with cardio and other exercises. They typically take place in a studio with a bar to hold on to but can be done at home using a chair or counter for balance. Similar to both Pilates and yoga, these workouts work the entire body and are best done on a mat. A yoga mat is perfect for these exercises because it provides grip for cardio or balancing moves and cushion for core and floor workouts. Barre workouts are a great way to practice balance and control, and they help strengthen the muscles used in yoga, too. Yoga mats are essential for barre exercises, and they provide you with the stability you need to conquer this unique workout style. 

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