New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

Mar 15th 2024

September, October, November, December… January!

The New Year is coming quick; are you ready? With each new year comes new memories, new friends, and new opportunities to create a happier and healthier life for yourself. Entering a new year tends to motivate people. It gives us a clear starting point from which we can grow and improve, and it allows us to set goals for ourselves beyond our everyday tasks. Whether career, family, or fitness oriented, our new year’s resolutions help to give us reasons and motivation to make our lives better during the months ahead of us.

This year, what will your New Year’s resolutions be? Are you looking for a resolution that will bring you mental and physical benefits? One that will help you find calmness and peace while also improving your fitness and health? If so, you might want to make yoga a part of your new year’s routine. Setting a goal for yourself to consistently practice yoga could bring you just what you need this year.

When setting goals, you want to make a plan that you can follow and stick with through the next few months. To help, we’ve come up with a yoga resolution plan for you to use and follow along within this next season.

Your Yoga Resolution:

Step 1: Set the Goal.

The most important part of accomplishing a goal is knowing where to start. It is important to set a realistic and obtainable goal for yourself, and to think about how you are really going to get it done. If you do not workout or practice yoga, maybe it would be good to start slow, making it your goal to practice once a week. However, if you are already into yoga, maybe you make it your goal to practice more often or to try new and harder flows. You could set a goal to practice every night before bed, or to go each week to the harder version of your class. Whatever challenge you choose, make sure it is something that brings change to your life, but can also be done consistently.

Step 2: Follow through.

So, you’ve set the perfect goal. You are ready to improve your life and make yoga a part of your weekly routine. Now, the only thing left to do is follow through with it. A plan means nothing if you do not do what you said you would. If you said you would practice every week, you need to actually practice every week. Following through with your plan is what will allow you to make this change a part of your routine. It is important to be consistent, or you will not be able to really feel the benefits. Also, it is important to jump back into the routine if you miss a day or week. Life happens, and you might miss a few classes, but you cannot let one mistake ruin your whole routine. Get back into it, even if you don’t feel like you want to, you will be grateful you did in the end.

Step 3: Feel the impact

After a few months, you will start to feel your old goal become a part of your lifestyle. This is where you start to feel the impact of your change. Now, you are doing yoga each week, and you are sleeping better. You start to notice each flow getting easier as you become more fit. You feel calm and are waking up rejuvenated from a good night’s rest. If you manage to set a goal and follow through with it, you will feel the impact, and it will be worth it. By making yoga one of your new year’s resolutions, you will create a better life for future you. If you want to make a change for yourself, there is no better time to do it than this January.