​Yoga and Aromatherapy

​Yoga and Aromatherapy

Mar 18th 2024

Yoga and Aromatherapy

The way we breathe, and what we breathe, directly influences how we feel and act. Imagine you are walking to work, and you pass many different smells along the way. Passing someone selling flowers would likely put you in a good mood, while walking past a dumpster might leave you disgusted. Passing a bakery could make you hungry, or the smell of rain from the night before might leave you feeling tired. All of these smells have the ability to set your mood for the rest of the day. Depending on which route you took to work, you could show up happy, calm, disgusted, hungry, or tired; all of which will affect your performance and how much you enjoy the work day.

Breath and smell can be powerful, but how can we work their power to our benefit? We can use smell in the form of aromatherapy to clear our minds, bring more positivity to our thoughts, or calm any stress we may have. When paired with the right yoga flow, aromatherapy can help enhance your yoga experience and bring you greater peace and happiness.

Finding Control:

In order for aromatherapy to truly take affect during your yoga routine, you need to focus on breathing properly. Proper breathing alone can be calming, and slow deep breaths are the first step to a peaceful yoga flow. Before you even start body movements, begin each routine by taking deep controlled breaths. If you start your flow by finding control, it will be easier to maintain it during the exercise. You want to be aware of your breath during most of the routine, and you want to be able to change or fix your breath as you go. Depending on the flow, your body may naturally quicken or shorten your breathing. However, you want to be able to take slower and longer breaths though the nose and mouth whenever possible. Maintaining control of your breathing gives your mind power over the body and can help you to feel more confident and competent during the exercise.

Oils and Fragrances:

Once you have mastered the power of breathing, you can add fragrances and oils as a way to influence your mood. Different fragrances have different affects, but most of them help to clear the mind and refresh your thoughts. Fragrances come in many forms, such as essential oils, incense, candles, or infused towels and pillows. No matter which method you use, they all can have powerful influences over your routine. Different smells can be calming or energizing depending on what you choose, and you can even transition between calming scents to more energizing ones throughout the flow. Try peppermint or rosemary to energize and awaken the mind, clementine to increase dopamine and make you happier, or lavender, lemon, and chamomile to release stress and calm the body. When combined with controlled breath, these aromas can help you control your mood and outlook on the day.

Fragrances are not essential but can definitely be a good way to add to your yoga routine. Use them sparingly and remember that fragrance is not for everybody. You can try out different scents to find which ones you prefer or combine essential oils to make you own energizing aromas. The most important thing is that you are comfortable and satisfied with your yoga routine, no matter what factors you change to improve it.