Yoga Wedges and Their Uses

Mar 18th 2024

Made from lightweight foam, the wedge is designed to provide stability and support so that yoga practitioners do not compromise the technique of each pose. The foam wedge, which is soft and scratch proof, has a tapered edge for better gripping and adjustable support.


Practicing yoga will eventually mean performing weight-bearing exercises where all of a person's body-weight comes to rest on the hands or toes. Beginners often shy away from these poses, because they can look difficult or complicated. However, as they become more experienced and flexible, yoga practitioners will eventually turn to these poses to continue advancing in their practice. The yoga wedge was designed for the transition to these more difficult, weight bearing exercises by providing lift and support that allows users to add length and flexibility to their poses.

Vinyasa-style yoga in particular contains a series of poses which distribute body weight on hands that should be flat on the floor, over and over again, making this an ideal practice in which to experiment with a yoga wedge. These poses might include the crane pose or the plank, which place all of the body's weight on the wrists, in addition to the forward fold, which may be impossible for some to complete without using the wedge to increase support underneath the hips for additional lift.


Beginners who are unable to complete exercises because they lack flexibility may not realize that poor pose posture can negatively affect their yoga practice and potentially cause injuries. Yoga instructors stress the importance of performing the pose correctly, and wedges are just one tool for ensuring good form.

The forward-fold posture, for example, requires a person to be extremely flexible, which many yogis have not yet been able to achieve. A wedge tucked underneath the sit-bones of a person who is sitting with legs extended can provide the support needed for that person to "fold" forward and perform the pose correctly.

Some yoga practitioners will use the wedge to support their posture during standing poses, by tucking it under their heels during wall twists. It can also be inserted under the heels to provide a little bit of lift for those who struggle to perform squats flat-footed.

Alleviate Pain

Yoga practitioners often come into class suffering from some sort of joint or muscle pain they are hoping to work out. For those who type at computers all day, carpal tunnel syndrome can cause wrist pain and is a common ailment. Unfortunately, certain poses can exacerbate this type of pain and cause yogis to refrain from postures or to over-compensate and perform them incorrectly.

Consider the plank, an exercise in which the practitioner slowly places all of his or her weight onto flat palms, keeping hips and back aligned. Either carpal tunnel or tight, inflexible wrists can cause pain in this pose and make it difficult for yogis to focus on proper posture and alignment. Other weight bearing exercises that place stress on the wrists can result in similar pain and posture problems.

A yoga wedge can be used to alleviate some of this pain by supporting the body's weight without putting too much stress or pressure on the wrists. The wedge, utilized in this manner, can provide stability to the pose and relieve some of the strain placed on joints like the wrist. Consumer reviews of the wedge all praise its ability to ameliorate wrist pain by providing proper support in difficult or weight-bearing poses. Users also point to its ability to limit injuries caused by performing poses incorrectly.

A foam yoga wedge provides users with one more way of reducing stress and improving support and posture, which is what yoga is all about. Made from lightweight, dense foam, the wedge is an inexpensive way to overcome pose difficulties and alleviate pain during sessions. As highly recommended as the yoga wedge is, users will still appreciate the support it provides after experimenting with one for the first time.